What We Do

A brand is one of the most important strategic assets a business can have. Companies that manage their brand effectively, gain advantages such as market entry, differentiation over competitors and talent attraction.

We work best with organisations who recognise the importance of their people and building their brand from the inside out. This includes Business and Organisational Leadership teams across key functions like HR, Talent Acquisition and Marketing Communications.

Acknowledging global disruptions that have transpired, the effectiveness of many organisational strategies, EVP and Employer Brands need to be assessed and adapted for new work environments.

Areas of Expertise

  • Strategy for Culture & Change Management (including Vision, Mission, Purpose).

  • Story Crafting for Change.

  • Employee Advocacy Solutions for Sustainable Engagement.

  • Programme Branding (Train the Trainer, Employee Recognition, Employee Advocacy, Learning & Development Programmes).

  • EVP’s (Employer Value Propositions).

  • Internal Communications & Implementation bringing the Brand Strategy to life.

Areas of Application

  • Reduce staff turnover and attract the right candidates by using your people and brand essence focused insights, to adjust employer brand strategies.

  • Scaling up quickly, need to get the right people onboard.

  • Operating in a highly competitive talent pool, where it’s difficult to hire suitable and ‘right-fit’ people.

  • No Employer Brand in place or in-house expertise to develop Employer Brand Initiatives.

  • Established Global Brand in place but requires localisation in the Irish marketplace.

  • Sustainable Engagement Strategies helping your people deliver culture and/or change initiative.

  • Aligning learning and development programmes to engage people and talent.

Ready To Collaborate?

If you like what you’ve read and want to get to know us better, we invite you to reach out. We would love to know more about your strategic initiative and how we can support you.
